Sonntag, 5. Juli 2015

Furcht 1

My homage to german expressionistic horrormovies (Das Cabinett des Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu) and the movies of universal studios (Dracula, Frankenstein).
An old movie director trys to convince his former star Conrad Furcht, to create one last great horrormovie. The beginning of real horror...

Mittwoch, 1. April 2015

Homage to Silent horror movie

A tryout page, to catch the mood for my next Graphic Novel project. A homage to old expressionistic horror movies like "Nosferatu" or "Das Kabinett des Dr. Caligari".

Samstag, 21. Februar 2015

Paranodia online on mycomics

Paranoidia is now online on mycomics.
Some pages are improved and new colored for this.  Have fun...
Below is the cover.